North American Flags North American Saddle Mule Association

NASMDA Fees Submission


You will receive a DIGITAL membership card that will be emailed to you. You are welcome to print this on your own or keep a screenshot on your phone. If you must have a printed copy, you must contact the secretary to specifically request one. No printed membership cards will be mailed without request.

 Family Discount:  20% for 3 or more memberships renewed/ordered at the same time.
 Applies to Membership fees only.

For instance, if three individual memberships within a family unit are purchased
AT THE SAME TIME, totaling $90, you save 20% or $18.


Check here if new Address or Phone  
NASMDA Number: (Renewals)




First Name:  * Required  
Last Name:  * Required
State, Zip:   Zip: 
Home Phone:


Work Phone:
Cell Phone:  
Email:  * Required
Where did you hear about NASMDA?

For additional memberships, enter the next Name & NASMDA Number (if renewal).
Current Member: 
(you'll need an "Add to Cart" per member)

Sample Membership Card

Youth Membership - $20
Sample Youth Card
Date of birth (mm/dd/yy):

Amateur Card - $20
Sample Amateur Card
(Additional documentation required)
Amateur Lease
Amateur Lease

Registration - $30
Registration Papers
Registration Transfer - $20
Sample Registration Transfer

Judge Application - $50
Sample Judge's Card
(Additional documentation required)
Farm Name - $10
Picture of a "Farm"
one-time fee

Versatility Trail Program (VTP) - $30
Sample VTP Card
one-time fee
National Show Sponsorship
National Show Sponsorship

Show Sanctioning
Amateur Lease


Donation to the NASMDA Treasury
(Whole Dollars)

Donation to Youth Scholarship Fund
(Whole Dollars)

Apply to:



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