North American Flags North American Saddle Mule Association


From the President's Pen

December, 20, 2005

Tim Doud, PresidentDear NASMA Members,

I hope this letter finds everyone in the holiday spirit and looking forward to a great New Year. The start of a New Year always brings changes and high expectations. Everyone makes resolutions, “This year, I’ll spend more time with my mule or donkey, I’ll lose some weight, I'll spend more time with the kids, I’ll get more involved in NASMA, etc.

The first couple of resolutions, I can’t help you with, the last one I can.

NASMA has gone through some major changes in 2005. The membership has taken a stand and taken their association back. For years NASMA has been controlled by a small group of people. Starting in 2006, NASMA will be run by it’s members.

Now is the time to volunteer for a committee, Board of Director position, host a NASMA trail ride or sign up new members. In the past, members have not been encouraged to participate in NASMA. That has changed. The door has been thrown wide open for members to not only participate in NASMA, but to also be involved in all association decisions.

The start of a new year is also time to renew your membership. The NASMA office has been moved back to Texas. The new address is PO Box 343, Boyd, TX 76023.

If you have any problems, questions or suggestions send me an Email or give me a call. All NASMA officers are here to serve you, the membership. Remember to check the web site for any news updates.

I am looking forward to the New Year and hope you have the best year ever. I know, with your help, NASMA will have it’s best year.


Tim Doud
NASMA President


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