North American Flags North American Saddle Mule Association

Zone 4

New Mexico, Texas, and Oklahoma

Zone 4

Five Mile Farm - Franklin J. & Marsha Stein, DVM’s
PO Box 11, County Road, 272 Snook, TX 77878
Phone: Home (409) 272-1323
Work (409) 272-3894
Work E-Mail:

Owns, raises and sells mules and donkeys.
Stands a performance jack, "Five Mile Farm Jethro" a National Champion Jack. NASMA members.

Jeddo Farm – Richard Bragg
4889 Jeddo Road, Waelder, TX 78959
Phone: 361-865-9176

Owns, raises, shows & occasionally sells mules and donkeys. NASMA member.

Sycamore Springs Ranch - Jerry Rush
6680 E 620 Rd, Locust Grove 74352
Phone:  918-598-3554

Owns, raises, shows and sells mules and donkeys. Trail rides. 
Stands two performance jacks, "Sycamore Springs Joe" and "Sycamore Springs Jake".  NASMA members.


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